Cherubs Choir Leader

Title: Cherubs Choir Leader

Purpose: To provide a Christian music program for children age 3 years through Kindergarten that is
            a.  fun -- -- an opportunity for fellowship and for being a part of the church community;
            b.  meaningful, where children learn about God through Christian music, Bible stories,
                 and working together;
            c.  foundation-building, laying a basis for further participation in church choirs, musicals,
                 and ensembles

Responsible to: Dr. James Ramsey

Description of Duties:

Time Requirements: Weekly attendance at practice from 6:15-7:30. Approximately 15 minutes of outside preparation in song selection, movement selection, and book selection.

Term: September through 1st week of May.

Training and Resources: Music, rhythm sticks, and bean bags available through the music department. Limited music/movement CD’s. Trained by departing Cherub’s leader. Help available from Kay Coryell and Jim Ramsey as needed.

Skills and gifts:

Benefits to one serving in this role:

Completed by/date: Suzanne Sharpe 5/27/2009